Friday, October 9, 2009


I had to pry my head out of my books so I could step back into the real world. School is crazy busy. I've got a bunch of assignments due in less that two weeks so if I didn't post today, who knows when I'd get around to it.

Although I have met so many new people and am learning more than what my poor little brain can take, I miss a fraction of my old life. I miss the ease of it all. I miss the normality. I miss my friends. I miss my family.

But before you know it. Snap. It'll be all over. And worth it.

I hope you all have a fantastic long weekend. Don't eat too much now... (Don't I sound like a teacher already? hmmm...more like a Mom....)


grace said...

Have a good weekend yourself. Guess it does shake up the normality of a routine when you go back to school. I hope it is all going well for you.
Happy Thanksgiving.

bb said...

aww. we miss you too.

Anonymous said...

Time to suck it up Sharon and roll up the sleeves. You can do it, I have the upmost faith in you. Keep pluggin' away my dear and you'll be fine.

m.m. said...

Nice of you to say Hello.

Miss you...

Sharon said...

Thanks everyone. It's nice to get the encouragement.

Rance, you are absolutely right. I do have to suck it up. (can't I just whine once in a while???)