Friday, September 11, 2009


And so it begins. My new life as a student. One thing I'm learned is that I have to be uber organized. This is something I will have to work on. You see, my work life is always scheduled. My schedule literallly dictates who and what I am doing on the hour. When I get home there is no active list. I like to just go with the flow. That's more my style. But not anymore. Now everything has to go in my agenda. This takes work. I carry that agenda with me everywhere I go.

I've already had a few mishaps on my return to school. The University sent me a head start checklist of things I had to get done before classes started. Well, turns out I missed something (setting up an account). During the first session amongst all my peers (about 100 or so) the coordinator said, "...there is someone who hasn't gotten everything done yet...lets embarrass them..." and she proceeded to call out my name. So of course, scarlet and ashamed Sharon raises her hand. Now everyone know my name. This I like, only for they all know it for the wrong reason. In all honesty I thought I had done it all. Obviously not.

Lesson 1: double check the check list

Lesson 2: triple check the checklist


grace said...

well, I don't think that was very appropriate to call out your name infront of everyone. On one hand, you didn't have to spend a whole bunch of time getting to know anyone! Already done! :)

Good luck with the rest of it all.

Anonymous said...

Ah, no big deal Sharon, sounded like the coordinator was on a power trip. Fuck her. Well I would expect everyone to know your name anyways. After all you are the social butterfly queen!! Hope you relax this weekend. You're on your way!!

Christine said...

The coordinator's public shaming of you -- is to my mind -- not appropriate.

Sharon said...

I kinda thought the same thing guys. It wasn't very professional but in all honesty, I think it was the coordinator's way of being funny. People did laugh. Including me.